AI Art Astronaut
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当你描述你在太空探索和人工智能交叉领域的工作时, 对于谈话中的某些人来说,这种解释不可避免地会变得过于专业.

亨特·桑迪奇(Hunter Sandidge)毫不畏惧地转向了更相关的术语:“好吧,你看过《全球十大赌钱软件app》吗?”? …”

Admittedly, Mr. 桑迪奇是一个超级科幻迷,他可以从大量的书籍和电影参考中汲取灵感. But Robert Downey Jr. 没有教会他如何独立思考,如何与不同的听众交流. Carthage did.

这些都是基础广泛的教育的标志. 桑迪奇和他带到柯林斯航空公司的两位校友——18岁的杰克逊·韦尔和15岁的雅各布·韦尔奇——在他们开创性的工作中蓬勃发展.

他们正在使用人工智能建模来增强国际空间站的生命支持系统, assist mission control, 并支持太空探索的其他方面,因为美国宇航局正在加速重返人类太空飞行.



Hunter Sandidge '15 The Mastermind

The first of the three Carthaginians to be hired at Collins, Mr. Sandidge started there in 2016. About 18 months ago, 他现在的职位是数据科学和人工智能工程经理.

Maybe that isn’t where Mr. Sandidge envisioned degrees in finance全球十大赌钱排行app(学士)和德保罗大学(硕士)带领他, but he’s ecstatic to be there.

“Every day, we sit on the knife’s edge between sci-fi and reality,” he says, “and we’re continually moving that line.”

像专业交易员那样思考,在意想不到的时候还是会派上用场的. 就像你需要一种算法来自动保持宇航服的稳定温度,而其他方法都是死路一条.

“相反,我把宇航服里的温度当作股票价格来对待。. Sandidge explains. “It worked remarkably well.”

这只是他在全球十大赌钱排行app开始填充的工具箱中众多有用工具之一. 有些学校培养出来的学生就像铁锤一样,只会做一项任务. Sandidge views himself as “more of a utility knife.”

Jackson Wehr '18 The Insider

Knowing “the quality of graduate Carthage produces,” Mr. 在2018届校友有空后不久,桑迪奇招募了18届的杰克逊·韦尔(Jackson Wehr)进行实习.

Of the three teammates, Mr. Wehr took the straightest route into an aerospace career. He majored in physics 并积极参与了学院与美国宇航局的微重力研究, 在零重力下飞行以测试燃料测量技术,该技术目前正在考虑用于未来的太空任务.

More than anything, space has the coolness factor going for it. For Mr. Wehr, who’s now a full-time senior data scientist at Collins, the reality of that career path has lived up to the billing.

认识到这是难得的机会,他必须拓展现代技术的极限, 他很感激全球十大赌钱排行app给了他磨练解决问题能力的空间, take on unfamiliar challenges, and even speak in public.

在一个专业会议上,其他一些冗长的演讲引起了人们的哈欠, a faculty member noticed that Mr. Wehr could hold an audience’s attention.

The key? Pretend you’re talking to Grandma.

“Not everyone is technically inclined,” he adds. “人际交往能力会让你走得比别人想象的更远.”

亨特·桑迪奇,15岁,在柯林斯航天设施的入口处 15岁的亨特·桑迪奇在康乃狄格温莎洛克斯的柯林斯航空航天设施入口处.

Jacob Werschey The Translator

Surprisingly, 当这些太空技术专业人士回忆起他们最喜欢的全球十大赌钱排行app课程时, they bring up foundational ones in philosophy, religion, and literature first. 这也许可以解释为什么雅各布·韦尔希分享的那些愚蠢的表情包是基于柏拉图的洞穴寓言的.

Mr. Werschey and the guy who now supervises him, Mr. 桑迪奇,从新生入学开始就是好朋友了,当时他们因为胡子结下了不缘. Colleagues, though? For a long time, that seemed unlikely.

Mr. Werschey went all-in on a Japanese major, 毕业后在日本北部做了两年的翻译和跨文化编程工作, 然后在檀香山的夏威夷希尔顿度假村继续双语工作.

Then came a COVID-induced career shift. 这些适应力强的校友们已经在分析领域有了立足之地. 2023年,桑迪奇把他带到了柯林斯公司,担任数据工程师.

In a way, Mr. Werschey只是转向了另一种语言——解释用SQL编码的数据库,而不是用日语编写的文档. Human or machine, each language has its own distinct patterns.


AI Art Rocketship The Future

Though all three of them work remotely — Mr. Werschey from Cincinnati, the other two from northern Illinois — camaraderie remains strong, in part because they share a common background as Carthaginians. While they can’t divulge the details of their AI usage, 对于一些观察人士对这项新兴技术做出的末日预言,这三位校友一笑置之.

Mr. 桑迪奇认为这与引入计算器没有什么不同. By programming machines to do the repetitive tasks they do best, he explains, 我们可以让员工专注于只有他们才能提供的“独特的人类技能”.

While monitoring the International Space Station, 该团队的目标之一是预测零件何时会磨损. 毕竟,宇航员不可能直接去五金店换一个. 制造零件和安排发射可能需要数月或更长时间.

这将需要一个拥有无限时间和注意力的人来筛选自动从轨道发回的海量数据. 因此,数据组正试图建立一个不介意做繁重工作的异常检测模型.

So, 如果问题是人类就业的终结是否即将到来, 即使是自称为科幻迷的人也认为现在考虑这个问题太过怪异. Mr. Sandidge has a more important takeaway.

“People who use AI will replace people who don’t.”

Jackson Wehr '18 and Hunter Sandidge '15 Hunter Sandidge ’15 (left) and Jackson Wehr ’18 (right).

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